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Resource Page

Please see the following recommended resources! If you have any resources to add or questions, please let me know!

The Center for Grieving Children

For children who have experienced trauma, grief and loss.

NorthEast Treatment Centers (NETCenters)

A community mental health agency that provides a variety of services to children, adults and families.

Parent to Child

A private practice specializing in working with children.

Children's Crisis Treatment Center (CCTC)
A community mental health agency that provides a variety of services and specializes in working with children with trauma histories.

The Attic Youth Center

A center for LGBTQ youth - providing services and support.

The Center for Autism

A center that provides support, services and evaluations for children with Autism

15 Picture Books for Teaching Social-Emotional Skills

A great list of books to read together as a family - a great way to introduce concepts to your children

Books on RESPECT


How to Make Sensory Bottles


How to Make a Stress Ball

A fun activity that will create a helpful tool for relieving stress

High School & Career Resources
*Please note - Updated information will be added as I receive it from the school district. Thank you!





Career Exploration
A fun website for older students to explore their interests, skills and related careers.


Career Exploration II

A website geared toward career exploration in addition to resources for students.

Working Papers for 8th Grade Students

At the age of 14, students can complete working papers and get a job over the summer. Please see the above link if you are interested in this process


Every student has access to their Naviance account through their student portal. This app is meant to help students explore interests, talents, skills, and related careers. Based on student's grade and access students can take interest surveys, create SMART goals, and more. Throughout the year, students grades 3-8 will complete assignments in Naviance but can also explore it outside of school.

Mental Health & Behavioral Health Agencies
please click on the links below to learn more about each center

If you or someone you know is suicidal or contemplating harming themselves, you can text "connect" to 741741 and you will receive a call back from a 24/7 support hotline. You can also dial 911.

Philadelphia Crisis Information

please click the link above for Notice of Interim Children's Crisis Response System Plan

Available 24/7 for behavioral health/crisis support:

Philadelphia Crisis Response Line - 215-685-6440 

Suicide and Crisis Intervention Hotline - 215-686-4420

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255

CBH Member Services - 1-888-545-2600

Philadelphia Children's Crisis Response Center 

(click link for information)

3300 Henry Avenue, Falls Center 2, Suite 3N,

Philadelphia, PA 19129

Phone: (215) 878-2600


How to Report Child Abuse & Neglect

Child Abuse & Neglect FAQ


School District of Philadelphia - Resources for Students and Families facing Homelessness


School District of Philadelphia - Bullying & Safety Hotline


School District of Philadelphia - Parent Resource Page

After School Programs in Philadelphia

Books & Activites for Students and Families

Child Safety & School District Resources

Suicide Prevention and Awareness
Please see below regarding resources and information on suicide prevention. We want our students and families to know that they are not alone. Help and support are possible and available. Additional crisis resource information can be found below under "Child Safety and School District Resources"

Suicide Prevention - Parent Letter

A letter from Mr. V, Ms. Cocca and the School District of Philadelphia - includes talking points on the Netflix series "13 Reasons Why"

Warning Signs and Risk Factors

Pennsylvania Youth Suicide Prevention Initiative

The JED Foundation

Resources on suicide prevention as well as mental/emotional well-being resources

The Mayo Clinic - Youtube Video - Teen Suicide Prevention

Talking to our children and students is the first step to suicide prevention. This youtube video is a powerful reminder of the role we play in the life of a child/teen.

Please use the Philly HopeLine - 1-833-745-4673 for confidential helpline for grief and emotional support. It is open to all youth and caregivers in Philadelphia.

Philly HopeLine Support - 

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